Saturday, May 2, 2009


Tuesday marks six weeks since the little nugget was born. I got the go-ahead to start working out at four weeks, and have been taking it pretty easy (walking and eliptical, a few arm free weights). Today I decided to stop being a loser and actually try. I ran intervals for 30 minutes, did some arm stuff and actually did crunches - hooray! I can't believe how hard three sets of abs were, it was ridiculous. But you gotta start somewhere, and I'm not sure where working out will fit in after I go back to work so I'd better take advantage now. It sucks - I can't really justify spending an hour of what little time I'll have with the baby working out. I'm thinking I could either go really early in the morning or after she goes to bed at night (assuming we can successfully get her bedtime moved up to eight or nine instead of 10 or 11). Maybe Mike and I could trade off going to the gym after she goes down for the night. Honestly neither option is going to be very fun with working all day as well, but I have to try. I feel icky right now, body-wise, but for me working out is way more about my mental health. I am a MONSTER when I don't work out.

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